InsightIDR Collector as a Docker Container

Hey everyone :v:

I built a Docker container for our InsightIDR Collector. :whale:
You can use it for your personal lab or in case you want to receive logs directly from Docker containers.

Let me know what you think :slight_smile:


I added images for the other regions.
Now all regions (including the new US2 and US3) are available.

Region Image
US philippbehmer/docker_rapid7-collector:us
US2 philippbehmer/docker_rapid7-collector:us2
US3 philippbehmer/docker_rapid7-collector:us3
EU philippbehmer/docker_rapid7-collector:eu
AP philippbehmer/docker_rapid7-collector:ap
CA philippbehmer/docker_rapid7-collector:ca
AU philippbehmer/docker_rapid7-collector:au

Nice Jobe, I did one myself and didn’t share it yet ^^ .

I was thinking on using it in a swarm environment so if it fails for some reason, the collector get spawned again.


Hi Philipp is it good to go for Mac as well.
Also, is Docker a better idea than a VM for MAC?

@ananda I never tried it on Mac as the collector isn’t officially supported on Mac.
Probably best to use a VM in that case.
But you can try it. Maybe it works :slight_smile:

Hey everyone,

I’ve updated the images to the latest collector version.
Please let me know if it works for you! :blush: