Where are the plugin source stored on the Orchestrator?

Where are the plugin source stored on the Orchestrator? How do I get access to them? I need to review some source files and possibly make a custom patch to it.


Hi Michael,

The source is in the container. You can just go in there to modify it. However, you should note that if your container stops, dies or is removed, a new container without the custom patch would be created when the next workflow runs.

You may want to create a custom plugin and patch that in order to avoid losing your changes every so often.



@mwu-at-work In addition to what Matt said, you can also access the source code of over 250 plugins at https://github.com/rapid7/insightconnect-plugins

Through the Github PR process, you can make contributions back to the product, or alternatively, import any changes to them as a custom plugin in your InsightConnect instance.

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Thanks! I can SSH into the Orchestrator, do you know how to further SSH into the container? Or is the filesystem of the container is mapped anywhere in the Orchestrator filesystem? Cause I just need to make a small patch to a single file.

Thanks Jon, the github repo is helpful.
A custom plugin maybe too much or overkill. Cause I just to need to make a small patch to a single file in the container.

I can make a contribution to the github repo, cause I discover a bug in one of the ServiceNow Plugin Action, where it takes the base64 input but the script forgets to base64 decode it first before calling the ServiceNow api. Thus the input(base64 encoded) is “transparently” brought to ServiceNow as well…

And how long it takes for them to “release” the patch or a new version? It it’s too long, that’s why I would prefer to patch my instance first.

ssh into the orchestrator
Then run this:
docker exec -it <dockerid> /bin/bash

If /bin/bash doesn’t work, you might need to use /bin/sh or even pwsh (depending on the container)

Thanks, it works!