Vulnerability Report Showing # of New, Remediated and Outstanding Vulnerabilities for past 90 days by CVSS rating (Critical, High, Medium, and Low)

I am trying to develop a report to help with compliance reporting. I need the report to show:

  • number of new vulnerabilities (CRITICAL, HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW)
  • number of remediated vulnerabilities (CRITICAL, HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW)
  • number of outstanding vulnerabilities (CRITICAL, HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW)
    Period is last 90 days and I want to use the ‘first discovered date’ as the date to determine what vulnerabilities to include for new.
    Rating scale below:
    |Low|0.1 - 3.9|
    |Medium|4.0 - 6.9|
    |High|7.0 - 8.9|
    |Critical|9.0 - 10.0|

It baffles me why this is so difficult to obtain from Rapid 7…

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