Unable to find Settings > Alert Settings > Virus Alert

Hello everyone,

I was trying to configure Alert settings in InsightIDR so the Windows Defender Logs are also shown in Log Search (Microsoft Windows Defender Antivirus | InsightIDR Documentation). Unfortunately I can’t find Alert settings option in the settings (see the screenshot bellow). We are using the advanced licence.


I would appreciate your help regarding this issue.

Kind regards

Hi Agron,

Looks like you found some outdated documentation. We apologize for that and will get this updated soon! In the mean time, you’ll find the new location for the Microsoft Windows Defender alert settings under Detection Rules > Legacy Detection Rules.


Hello Gwen,

thank you for your response.

I’m using the Advanced Licence and I don’t see Legacy Detection Rules under Detection Rules.


Best regards

Hey Agron!

Oh boy, well this is a bit embarrassing. I may have been referring to something that’s in an internal environment. you should be able to find these alert settings under Detection Rules > User Behavior Analytics.

Let us know if you need further assistance, we’re happy to help!


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Dear Gwen,

Agron is ill at home so i answer in his place. Your last tip solved our little problem and works fine.

Thanks for your advice and best regards,
