Any idea/query that you can help me with on how I can retrieve Total vs Remediated Vulns for certain period from the history. Example: I need Total Vulns & Remediated Vulns for specific asset group in the month Jan 2023.
Any idea/query that you can help me with on how I can retrieve Total vs Remediated Vulns for certain period from the history. Example: I need Total Vulns & Remediated Vulns for specific asset group in the month Jan 2023.
@john_hartman Can you please help me with this?
This would only be achievable in the Data Warehouse. The console schema does not track remediations currently.
Can you give me few ideas/tables&columns I need to consider to get the historical data.
I’m getting confused between periods(day) & fact_all_date & fact_asset_vulnerability_remediation_date
maybe this will help, this is what i wrote for count of total vulns remediated on workstations:
SELECT da.os_description, dv.title, count (vrd.asset_id) from fact_asset_vulnerability_remediation_date vrd JOIN dim_vulnerability dv using (vulnerability_id) JOIN dim_asset da using (asset_id) WHERE da.os_description ~* ‘Windows 10’ and (vrd.day between ‘2023-06-01’ and ‘2023-06-30’) GROUP BY da.os_description,dv.title
@mseiler I have similar requirement but I need
Total number of vulnerabilities, New vulnerabilities and Remediated vulnerabilities for each month from Jan 2023 to July 2023.
Is it possible to get these numbers?
here is what I use for the data warehouse.
Select assets, vulnerabilities, malware_kits, exploits, round( risk_score::numeric, 0) from fact_all;
SELECT fv.affected_assets, fv.first_discovered, dv.title, dv.date_published, GREATEST(cvss_score,cvss_v3_score) AS “CVSS”, dv.exploits FROM dim_vulnerability dv JOIN fact_vulnerability fv USING(vulnerability_id) WHERE fv.first_discovered > now()::date - 8 ORDER BY fv.first_discovered DESC;
Remediated vulns - see able query and change the date as needed.
@mseiler Thanks for the help.
I will test and let you know.
I still don’t get the remediated vulns