Storing and comparing data sets


I’d like to compare two sets of data and am trying to work out how, or even if I should use an insightConnect workflow for this.

I’d like to collect a list of all our computers via an LDAP queries and merge them together. Then I’d like to extract a list of computers from our asset management system (available via API) and then compare them to see what computers are in AD but are not present in our asset management system (and vice versa). There will be around 5000 assets in each list.

How should I store the data to run this comparison? How do I compare them anyway? I’ve used loops in some insightVM-based workflows and they seem to take a long time to run, plus it seems inefficient to take a single asset from one and look through a list of 5000 systems, then move onto the next one.


We have a plugin called Type Converter. It has an Array Match and Array Diff step. This should provide the output you are looking for.