SQL Query specific CUSTOM Tags


Attemping to pull back assets and specific custom tags only. Any tag that starts ‘AH’.

Have cobbled together below, which is bringing back no custom tags … I assume that WHERE is broken/looking for wrong fields.

Advice very much welcome.

custom_tags AS (
SELECT dta.asset_id, string_agg(dt.tag_name, ', ') as custom_tags
FROM dim_tag dt
JOIN dim_tag_asset dta ON dt.tag_id=dta.tag_id
WHERE dt.tag_type = 'CUSTOM' AND dt.tag_name LIKE 'AH%'
GROUP BY dta.asset_id
location_tags AS (
SELECT dta.asset_id, string_agg(dt.tag_name, ', ') as location_tags
FROM dim_tag dt
JOIN dim_tag_asset dta ON dt.tag_id=dta.tag_id
WHERE dt.tag_type = 'LOCATION'
GROUP BY dta.asset_id
owner_tags AS (
SELECT dta.asset_id, string_agg(DISTINCT dt.tag_name, ', ') as owner_tags
FROM dim_tag dt
JOIN dim_tag_asset dta ON dt.tag_id=dta.tag_id
WHERE dt.tag_type = 'OWNER'
GROUP BY dta.asset_id
criticality_tags AS (
SELECT dta.asset_id, string_agg(dt.tag_name, ', ') as criticality_tags
FROM dim_tag dt
JOIN dim_tag_asset dta ON dt.tag_id=dta.tag_id
WHERE dt.tag_type = 'CRITICALITY'
GROUP BY dta.asset_id

SELECT da.ip_address, da.host_name, ct.custom_tags, lt.location_tags, ot.owner_tags, crit.criticality_tags
FROM dim_asset da
LEFT JOIN custom_tags ct USING (asset_id)
LEFT JOIN location_tags lt USING (asset_id)
LEFT JOIN owner_tags ot USING (asset_id)
LEFT JOIN criticality_tags crit USING (asset_id)

That WHERE statement is perfectly fine, I copied it out into my own lab and changed ‘AH%’ to ‘jh%’ for my own tags and it brings in all tags that are either equal to jh or start with jh.

Can you show screenshot of the tags you’re trying to pull in?

Oh my. The moment I read your reply it dropped. PICNIC problem. My TAGS are AM% … I’m searching for AH%.

I blame tiredness. Thanks for the reply and testing, appolgies for the wasted time.