I have to provision a variety of Read Only users for my IDR, which means each of them get all the alerts. I know that each user can turn off his/her own alert emails, but I’d really like to be able to have just ONE email address receive the alerts. I can use a DL address and get the messages to those that need them. Will that ever be a capability?
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With Custom Alerts, you can specify just one email address as the notification recipient. However, I bet that you want to be able to do this same thing with the built-in UBA and ABA alerts? The ability to have more customization options for the built-in ABA and UBA alert recipients is something that Rapid7 is certainly considering, although at this time we are not actively working on this particular enhancement.
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Thank you Teresa. Yes, you’re correct - it’s the ABA and UBA alerts, as well as the Community Alerts to which I’ve subscribed. It would be wonderful to just have my security folks getting the alerts, while allowing my read-only folks to view without feeling pressure to do something. Please add my voice to those urging Rapid7 to consider!
thanks again!