ServiceNow Put_Incident_Attachment does NOT decode the base64 encoded string

There is a bug in ServiceNow Plugin, “Put Incident Attachment” Action.
The input parameter of attachment indicates it should be base64 encoded, I give a base64 encoded string, for example,
This Action call will NOT decode the base64 string, it will just attach “as-is” plus the double quotes before and after the base64 string. In the ServiceNow incident, upon inspecting the content of the attachment attached by the workflow, I will find the content of the attachment is like the following:

It appears the Action “forget” to base64 decode the input before attaching it.

Changes of different MIME types including using a customized one (OTHER) do not make any difference.

I believe it is a bug that need to be fixed, the problem can be repeated.
Plugin version in question is the

I wanted to let you know that we went ahead and put in a ticket for this particular action in ServiceNow so we can further investigate and make any updates needed. Thanks for letting us know!

I made a suggested change in the github as well, feel free to take a look there.

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@mwu-at-work - the defect is fixed in the version 6.0.1- Rapid7 Extensions . Can you please update and let is know if you still run into issues.