Anyone have any advice on scanning network devices(switches, routers, and F5 Load balancer); can they be authenticated? Is it the same as opening ports on the server with 135 445 139 or for linux ssh 22?
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Just ensure you have credentials with administrative access on network devices, add them to insightVM shared scan credentials and you’ll get vulnerabilities for network devices
Yes, we were able to scan Cisco, F5 and Linux appliances using SSH service on IVM with root creds.
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- Rapid7 insightvm be used to do VM on Infoblox and Cisco ISE and Cisco Stealthwatch?
Does Rapid7 IVM have any requirements in terms of access/privilege level the service accounts need on the network devices? For example, Cisco devices, does the account need privilege level 15? Also, interested in Fortiguard firewalls.
Did you ever figure this out or get a reply? I guess I could contact Support, but surprised that this isn’t outlined in any documentation, unless I missed it.