Reformatting data with the jq Plugin

jq is a tool for searching json data and reformatting it into various output formats. It can be used to filter, reformat, and extract data from within a json object. Depending on how you structure your query, it can output valid json or simple text. jq is someplace between a query language and a template language - it incorporates elements of both with templated output but also with select-style filtering.

Perhaps an example is the best place to get started:

Sometimes we just need the same data in a new format. For example, if a plugin returns something like this:

    "results": [
            "key": "greeting",
            "value": "Howdy!"
            "key": "question",
            "value": "How is your day?"
            "key": "answer",
            "value": "I've got a bad case of the Mondays!"

but what we need is an array of the keys like this:


we can use the following jq string to generate our result:

You can think of jq variable references as paths to a variable in our json object. Just like DNS, the “top” level is represented by a .. In this example, we’re looking for all the key values in our results array. We’ve surrounded our query with [ and ] so our output will be a json array.

As you can see, we have elements of templating (we’ve created an array by surrounding our query in brackets) but we also have elements of a query since we’re functionally running a select key from our results object.

Let’s take this a step farther - let’s say we now want to extract the answer from our object. We could do this by looping through our results array, checking to see if our key = answer and return the value. This can be time consuming, especially if we have hundreds of elements in our array. With jq we can do this in a single step:

.results[]|select ((.key|ascii_downcase)=="answer")|.value

which creates a simple string containing our “answer”.

We can turn it into json like this:
.results[]|select ((.key|ascii_downcase)=="answer")|{"answer":.value}
which produces

  "answer": "I've got a bad case of the Mondays!"

In this example, we’ve leveraged a select statement and we’ve converted our string to lower-case so we don’t have to worry about a key coming through in mixed case. The pipe operator (|) takes the output from the previous statement as the input to the current one. You can think of it as creating a new json object. If you’re familiar with powershell and piping objects from commandlet to commandlet, this should be a familiar pattern.

Finally, in InsightConnect, the jq plugin produces a string. To consume the results in your workflow as json, you can just run the results through a type converter 'string to object` step.


Somehow when running a jq query on the data below (which is only a subset of the larger JSON) to extract and output only an array of IDs, I receive errors.
The jq query is set to .[].id with no flags. the expected output should be an array of strings. The error in this particular case is: ‘action input JSON was invalid’. The input is an array of objects as seen below.

I have the same issue when extracting specific keys from objects using a similar filter. The error received is not always the same, however, if I apply the same filter is a jq query tester online, using the same exact JSON being fed to the plugin, the output array does process perfectly.

Any ideas why?

Here is a sample of this data.

“alerts”: [
“first_event_time”: “2021-09-14T19:00:28Z”,
“type”: “Account Visits Suspicious Link”,
“type_description”: “A user has accessed a link URL on a tracked threat list.”
“created_time”: “2021-09-14T19:01:42.265Z”,
“id”: “132e6981-f127-49e3-8de6-d61ab4794e68”,
“source”: “ALERT”,
“status”: “CLOSED”,
“title”: “Account ??? visited a suspicious link”
“alerts”: [
“first_event_time”: “2021-09-14T15:27:06.037Z”,
“type”: “Spear Phishing URL Detected”,
“type_description”: “A user visited a potential phishing domain.”
“created_time”: “2021-09-14T15:29:02.118Z”,
“id”: “07131738-aff6-4be6-8b2b-d854c3f05d28”,
“source”: “ALERT”,
“status”: “CLOSED”,
“title”: “Domain, a look-alike of owned domain ???, was visited by 3 accounts/assets”

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I have the exact same issue, please could someone help resolve this.

Can you provide the plugin name and action that you are using to get this output? If its the InsightIDR “List Alerts Associated with Investigation” action it may be the input for your jq step that needs looked at. From what I can tell @tondar_alizadeh is missing the callout of the Alerts array in their jq statement. When I run jq I also like to build out an object so that I can convert it from a string to object easier later on. Take a look at my example below.

First I’m getting alerts associated with a single investigation. This gives me the Alerts array that I think is being talked about above.
get alerts

Next I run my jq statement on the entire object of the previous action while also building an object of arrays around the statement: {"alert_ids":[.alerts|.[]|.id]}

Finally use the Type Converter plugin to change the json_out variable from a string to an object. I also edit the output of this step to include the format of my object so that I can use the variables easier in the workflow.

End result:

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Thank you for this explanation!

My setup of plugins was:

  • MS Log Analytics Query GET
  • Python 3 script to format Query
  • MS Log Analytics data GET with aforementioned Query
  • jq plugin to format object
  • Type converter (string to array of objects)
  • loop iterations by length of array
  • Format malformed LA Data (again)
  • Post out results to jira ticket

Thank you for your inputs as I believe it helped me cross over the line. It was partly the custom output I needed to create so that the loop plugin recognised the ‘array’ input type.
Despite the jq plugin pushing out a string version of my object, the subsequent converter did not want to play ball. Finally I got it to spit out the correct output by manually changing the output to interpret it as ‘array’ ‘object’.

Any other changes, I will be sure to update here
