Rapid7 IVM Report

I need to get a report where i can find the following

  1. The customized timeline of trend report
  2. The Vulnerability status
  3. The customized remediation list

Hello @kjoshi
you might want to start with a “Top 25 Remediations by Risk” (nexpose) report and then maybe a “Exploitable Vulnerability Publish Age by Severity” (ivm) to show your current patch maturity.

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Hi Pete ,
Regarding “Exploitable Vulnerability Publish Age by Severity”
where can i find this ?
Is there any online repository from where i can download more report templates??
If so kindly share the link of that as well

Hello @kjoshi

in IVM the “Exploitable Vulnerability Publish Age by Severity” is a dashboard card you can add.
once your in IVM look off to the far right and there is the “+ add card” tons of great cards.
I have dashboard I created and have the main “Exploitable Vulnerability Publish Age by Severity” and then separate cards based on each of my sites. cards and dashboards are very customizable.

in my on prem nexpose you should be able to go to the report section and find all sorts of templates… imo start out with the “Top 25 Remediations by Risk” this will help you work on risk that is highest in your environment.

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