R7 Site maintenance during the day, why?

You pick a great time to do site maintenance while most of the western hemisphere is on the clock.

Maintenance: In progress
InsightVM [All regions] - Scheduled Maintenance
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.

1 Nov 2022 20:00 UTC to 2 Nov 2022 01:00 UTC

Why isn’t this done during the evening hours for parts of the globe that do their maintenance off hours like the rest of us. This screws up investigations in progress and seems to be planned at the convenience of rapid 7, not it’s billed customers. Care to explain the rationale?

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Hey @vcollett, I appreciate the feedback here, and I’ve shared it with the team to let them know. When we perform maintenance, we do provide 24+ hours notice and try to limit its scope to lessen the impact on folks who are actively using the product. That said, it sounds like you were still impacted here, so I do apologize.

To clarify, did this maintenance affect your work relating to investigations in InsightIDR? This particular round of maintenance was related to the Custom Policy Builder and Agent Based Policy in InsightVM, so I want to ensure I understand the full extent of the impact so I can let our team know.

A few quality checks on timezones is needed with scheduling maintenance. Here it is 3pm EST (18:00 UTC) and maintenance has already begun for a 5pm EST window.