Querying for devices running snmp v2

Hi all,

Looking to see if anyone had had success querying for particular versions of snmp? My results are only showing just SNMP with port 161 associated .

I seem to have exhausted my options of what I know with query builder and attempting to sql query.

This query should pull the SNMP version information if it was gathered during a scan.

FROM dim_asset_service_configuration dasc
JOIN dim_service ds ON dasc.service_id = ds.service_id
JOIN dim_asset da on dasc.asset_id = da.asset_id
WHERE dasc.service_id = 5 AND (dasc.name = 'snmp.version' OR dasc.name = 'nmap.service.product')

I included “dasc.name = ‘snmp.version’ OR dasc.name = ‘nmap.service.product’” because I found version information in both keys in my testing.