Query regarding API based integration with InsightVM

I am using the Rapid7 trial version for evaluating Rapid7 InsightVM and AppSec.We are able to consume/integrate with Rapid7AppSec using Rest APIs of insight platform (Ref)

But while doing API based integration with InsightVM I need clarity on following (Ref) -

  1. Currently, I am using InsightVM installation server as endpoint for the API, though I have not found a way to consume API from Cloud based Rapid7 Insight platform similar to Rapid7 AppSec.
    For example - if our application wants to consume VMInsight APIs we need to provide them VPN access so that they can connect to APIs.

  2. Is there any option which can be used to export data from InsightVM platform to S3 or similar services

  3. InsightVM provides integration to Splunk from Cloud platform, is there option where we can publish app and get similar data (in case 1 is not possible)


Found Reference for cloud integration APIs (Ref) but these provide very less details than insightVM.