Poll: InsightVM Remediation Project / ServiceNow Ticketing Integration

Greetings! For those that use the ServiceNow integration with Remediation Projects for automated ticketing, please vote:

ServiceNow / Remediation Project Integration Usage
  • Considering to use it
  • Don’t use it and we don’t have ServiceNow
  • No longer use it, stopped for lack of value or complexity
  • Use it, love it, and brings a ton of value
  • Use it, but it’s not perfect, buggy, or lacks features
0 voters

Hi, we use the remediation project integration with servicenow. We are running into a few issues. There are times that InsightVM thinks that the ServiceNOW ticket is still open when in truth it is very much closed. We are still a bit unclear why this is the case. Because it thinks it’s open it runs into issues when trying to comment on these tickets because when the ticket becomes closed it becomes read only. We need a way to force it to recheck the servicenow status (or just for it to do this regularly). Any tips?

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For us, we are doing a POC of it and it has several major shortcomings.

  • The quantity of syntax variable to do field mappings is very limited. There is no variables for most common vulnerability data (i.e. CVSS, Severity, published/modified date, first found, last observed, etc.)
  • The affected vulnerable assets to a given remediation project solution is CSV text into a given ServiceNow field, for us it was the Description field.

We are developing a new custom field on the ServiceNow side to accept the $ASSET_NAME_LIST. Then ServiceNow will export the contents of the field and create a CSV file from it, then attach it to the ticket. What a PIA!

How can R7 only provide these syntax variables for a vulnerability/solution, incomplete if you ask me.