Policy - Rule Detail Compliance

I want to create a report that includes the following elements:
host_name,ip_address,OS Name, policy_title,rule_name,compliance_status,last_scan

Example of field values
|host_name|ip_address|OS Name|policy_title|rule_name|compliance_status|last_scan|
|servername||Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Standard Edition 1809|CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Benchmark Level 1 - Domain Controller|2.2.11. (L1) Ensure ‘Change the system time’ is set to ‘Administrators, LOCAL SERVICE’|Failed|2024-09-09 04:22:44.163|

I used this query, but it’s not working; there is an issue with the joins.
dos.description as OS Name,
dp.title AS policy_title,
dpr.title AS rule_name,
WHEN fapr.compliance = TRUE THEN ‘Passed’
WHEN fapr.compliance = FALSE THEN ‘Failed’
ELSE ‘Not applicable’
END AS compliance_status,
da.last_assessed_for_vulnerabilities AS last_scan

FROM fact_asset_policy_rule fapr
JOIN dim_asset da ON fapr.asset_id = da.asset_id
JOIN dim_operating_system dos ON da.operating_system_id = dos.operating_system_id
JOIN dim_policy_rule dpr ON fapr.policy_id = dpr.policy_id AND fapr.rule_id = dpr.rule_id
JOIN dim_policy dp ON fapr.policy_id = dp.policy_id

WHERE dp.title LIKE ‘%CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Level Two - Member Server v1.3.0’
AND da.last_assessed_for_vulnerabilities >= CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL ‘30 days’;

Thank you

Hi @cyber_security,

This is Matt Cavaco from the Rapid7 Customer Success team!

I realize this post is from October 9, 2024 so I’m not sure if you’ve already received help with this question or not.

Have you brought this question to your dedicated Customer Success Manager? If not, I’m happy to get you connected so we can identify the best resource at Rapid7 to help.

Matt Cavaco