I have a step in a workflow which I’m looking to try and extract the value of a specific header. Can I use the pattern match function to achieve this, or is there a separate function that would be better suited to do this?
For example, if the header is has a “name” of 'Sender-IP", how to I extract the associated “value” of this to a variable I can use across the rest of the workflow?
How do you get your headers? I have a Python script we use in our workflow. The header comes across as an attachment and we loop over the attached text file to pull out the relevant information.
Looking for headers with an email trigger is tough.
I loop through the header field, then have a Decision step looking for the Key name.
If found it creates a string array of the key=value, that I then loop though to create an object.
Not pretty and if you find a better way, I’d be interested. Just not python for maintainability reasons.