Pairing Token for Insight Platform

Hello, I am trying to set up a distributed scan engine to communicate with our new InsightVM in the cloud.
Where exactly in the Insight Platform do I find the pairing token it wants me to enter before it will complete the installation of the engine?
Thanks for any help

I was wondering that as well but could not find it, I ended up doing console to engine. The link in the documentation on where to get this is broken

Hi mankney,

I’m not sure if this is what you were looking for, but from my point of view this is the way to do it (during installation).

Here is a description of how to connect the engine to the console or the console to the engine:

In this scenario the console is up and running, it means you will only configure the scan engine.

If you have any further questions, please let me know.


Thanks for the responses. It ends up that since we were an existing on-Prem insightvm customer migrating to the cloud insightvm, the only way to get the token was from Rapid7 themselves. They generated one and everything was smooth from the point on.


Hi Mankney,

thanks for the Information,
on this case you mean a migration from nexpose to Insight-VM right?

We have always called it insightVM on-prem, I don’t know for sure any more than that and the system is shutdown because the migration is complete.