Nexpose scan

Hi I would like to know if nexpose has option to scan whole maschine (for example. VM) or operating system like Windows 10.

Hi! Could you please, provide with more details in order to be able to help you? :slight_smile:

I want to scan whole VM machine using nexpose. What can I do to scan the system. I tried to scan via create site

Yes, you can create a site where that IP or hostname is in. You have to be sure that the scan engine can comunicate with the target. You also can specify credentials to scan the asset deeper even using different types of scans.

Can you explain me how to do this step by step.
I did it as follows:

  1. Create Site
  2. I defined importance etc.
  3. As assets i entered ip adress of my local host, where I installed nexpose.
  4. And I clicked scan.

Aslo please explain me how to be sure that the scan engine can communicate with the target (I would like to stress, that I installed nexpose on the VM, which I would scan)?

You can just ping from the machine to the destination, or read the logs of the scan (when it finish, you can download them)

Ok, but steps which I made are ok? ( 1. Create Site, 2. I defined importance etc., 3. As assets i entered ip adress of my local host, where I installed nexpose.,4. And I clicked scan).

Please look at the beginning of the logs:
2023-11-06T13:43:59 [INFO] [Thread: Scan 1] [Site: MyNetwork] Scan engine hostname: DESKTOP-K1HDQ1L/
2023-11-06T13:43:59 [INFO] [Thread: Scan 1] [Site: MyNetwork] Scan engine serial number: 576820681DB220C5E919ABBD5CA4A0419B2A70E0
so if I have something like that is ok ?

Ok, but steps which I made are ok? ( 1. Create Site, 2. I defined importance etc., 3. As assets i entered ip adress of my local host, where I installed nexpose.,4. And I clicked scan).

Please look at the beginning of the logs:
2023-11-06T13:43:59 [INFO] [Thread: Scan 1] [Site: MyNetwork] Scan engine hostname: DESKTOP-K1HDQ1L/
2023-11-06T13:43:59 [INFO] [Thread: Scan 1] [Site: MyNetwork] Scan engine serial number: 576820681DB220C5E919ABBD5CA4A0419B2A70E0
so if I have something like that is ok ?