Nexpose /IVM DB info

Hi Team,

IVM has been installed with default configuration on windows sever. We wanted to integrate with Tableau for live data with help of SQL. How should to get default PostgreSQL DB connection, Creds info to connect via SQL Developer tool.


The reporting data model that you would use for reports is not the actual database on the console, it is a translation of the database from the console so you can’t directly connect to the data model.

What I would suggest is looking into the Data Warehouse and then connecting your Tableau instance to that.

Thank you. As suggested I’ve Configured Data Warehouse with schedule of Repeat every 1 hour.


Still all the tables are export to newly configured postgres DB. As of now only 86 tables are exported.

Am I missing something regarding rest of the tables? Could you please help on this @john_hartman .

I’m not sure of the total number of tables in the data warehouse schema but 86 sounds right. What specific issues are you running into?

If the issue is that you’re running console queries against the data warehouse and getting invalid errors it might be because you need to use the data warehouse schema tables instead.

Now it’s updated with 96 tables.

For example: dim_operating_system table missing

Note: Same query I’m able to execute on console SQL.


Please reference the link I posted above. The Data Warehouse does not use the same schema as the console so there are some tables in the console schema that do not exist in the data warehouse schema and vice versa. Typically speaking, the data warehouse is actually easier to write against as most of the operating system info for example is found in the dim_asset table on the data warehouse.