We wanted to give you a simple and easy way, that you can search through your log list.
A use case in life would be searching through your Firewall logs.
Original query:
where(connection_status=/accept/i AND direction!=/outbound/i AND
source_address!=/10\..*|127\..*|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])\..*|192\.168\..*/ AND
destination_port=/3389|5938|5900/) groupby(geoip_country_name) limit(1000)
A new equivalent query with the list will:
- Simply enumerate your private IP addresses and ports
- No need to use regex for sub-net checking
- Operates with IP addresses and numeric ports rather than strings
- No need of specifying keys each time
where(connection_status=/accept/i AND direction!=/outbound/i AND source_address NOT IN [IP(, IP(, IP(172, 16.0.0/16), IP(] AND destination_port IN [3389, 5938, 5900]) groupby(geoip_country_name) limit(1000)
Let us know what do you think