Jira Plugin GDPR update

Hi Team,

Jira Cloud has updated the way they handle the users to be compliant to GDPR (Changes to usernames in Jira Cloud | Jira Software Cloud | Atlassian Documentation)

The current Jira plugin action Assign Issue is expecting the Username of assignee as the input string. However, the Jira Cloud doesn’t accept the username anymore, it rather needs the UserID and the API need to be updated. (https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-user-privacy-api-migration-guide/). Currently, the Assign Issue action fails in jira Cloud.

Thanks for reporting this, and for the links to the docs. We filed a ticket for this so we can dig into it some more and make any updates needed.

@bimodh_jo_mathew can you please share the plugin version that you are using?