Is it possible to rename an Orchestrator?

I migrated my orchestrator from CentOS to Ubuntu and it has a new hostname, but the orchestrator still shows the old name, can I rename it? This isn’t affecting anything other than being confusing.


I second this. While not breaking anything, it is confusing that I’ve rebuilt 2 times with different names, but the Orchestrator page shows the old original connection name or whatever you want to call it, just happens to be the original hostname. I wonder if it could be for back-end compatibility with the workflows from R7 console to the orchestrator?

Being able to change or update would be nice visually though.

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would also like to know the answer to this as we are about to migrate

i wonder if we have to delete it and then reactivate it? Hopefully not. Obviously not keen to do that.

@brandon_mcclure did you figure out a way to rename it?

not yet

@david_smith Do you we have any updates from the engineering team regarding on this topic?

This is an outstanding enhancement request, if you raise a support case you can be added to the existing ticket to help push for adding this feature IDEA is number 17914 for reference if you choose to do so.


Seconding this. Same situation. We’ve updated and it appears healthy but name hasn’t changed and I can’t find a place to do that.

I had a ticket open with support regarding this. The official answer I got was to decommission the old orchestrator, and then rename the new orchestrator the same as the old. Here is the quote from the support agent:

"There is not a way to change the orchestrator name in platform dashboard. All your connections are tied with the current orchestrator name, and changing the name could break all connections.

The actual server name can be changed by running command: hostnamectl set-hostname

In this case, I recommend you to decommission the old server and rename the new server the same name to avoid confusions.

Let me know if you this answers your questions."

Thanks for the update, but it looks like I’ll be keeping a mismatched name then

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Haha yep, same here

did anyone get an answer to this… im trying to figure this out. just migrated mine to ubuntu