InsightVM Datawarehouse Query

Hello All,

I am trying to run a SQL query that does the following.

Count for an asset group: All vulnerabilities first found on an asset before Feb. 28th
Count for an asset group: All vulnerabilities first found on an asset after Feb. 28th
Count for an asset group: All vulnerabilities remediated first found on an asset before Feb. 28th
Count for an asset group: All vulnerabilities remediated first found on an asset after Feb. 28th

I am having an issue connecting the remediated table and the fact_asset_vulnerability_finding table. Also, I am unclear about the history of the vulnerabilities and when they are moved over to the remediated table.

Thanks all

Would you please add a little more context to the situation here? Are you using business intelligence tool to import or directquery for your data?

If you’re using something such as powerbi, youll want to understand the relationship management between dimension and fact tables. PowerBI usually will autodetect the relationships for you automatically. If you’re looking for some more context on understanding data modeling I recommend you check out the youtube channel GuyInACube. They have great content with good deep dive vids on how to better understand roadblocks you’re facing.

Best of Luck to you, OP.