InsightIDR New Dashboards - Map Cards

Hey everyone,

I’m also here when I think that rapid7 does things right, and I want to celebrate the arrival of maps on cards.
They are already in a embryonic phase due to the lack of customize, like no query or filters to apply on the results.

Anyway, It´s great News the fact that maps have already arrived, I was tired to mantain my own developments.


Does anyone know when they will get improved?


Not available in my tennant! :cry: but looks really nice, indeed!

That´s true, I´just checked it out with other tenants and they do not have the cappabilitie yet.


Would be fancy to use some of these for my weekly report to more visualize them! Can’t wait for it to arrive.

Actually it can be a little bit queried using the dashboard queries, but no over an specific card:
