InsightIDR built-in alerts notifications

Is there anyway to customise the notification for build-in alerts (UBA and ABA)? There is currently no other option than email. We would like the option to send to Slack or a Webhook or InsightConnect like we do with custom alerts?

Are there an any plans to offer this?

Hey @jem_richards,

Congratulations on your first post! I believe there is something on the horizon for this, but let me confirm and get back to you!

Edit: @jem_richards just spoke with some folks internally and the expansion of notification abilities for built-in alerts is definitely on the radar, unfortunately I don’t have a timeline or ETA for when that is going to be released.

Hi, are there any updates on this. I am also interested in the ability to get alerts via other means on top of email. webhook, insightconnect. Specifically, when will Insightconnect be able to trigger based on an ABA insightIDR alert. Today it can only do it based on UBA and custom…


Hey @bchau,

I’ll find out about the insightconnect and get back to you via an edit to this post.

Edit: Good news, I heard we are going to be looking for volunteers for Early Access sometime later this month or early next month, if this is something you’re interested in I’ll get someone to reach out to you.

@stephen_davis we would definitely be interested in early access to this!

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Hey @jem_richards,

I’ve sent your request to the PMs.

Hey @SDavis ,

Is this something that is still in testing or early access? I would also like to be able to leverage additional notification options within IDR. Thanks!

Hey @ngosney,

Great question, lemme find out!

Cool, thanks for the quick response! I look forward to hearing from you.