InsightIDR Automation Workflow - Jira


Just want to get a second opinion on this.

I tried leveraging the InsightIDR free (I suppose) automation integration with Jira ticketing system. Just a basic one actually.
Reference: Create a ServiceNow or JIRA Ticket | InsightIDR Documentation

But I cannot seem to make this work, having a lot of issues like I need to consult my Jira administrator for credential issue and stuff which I don’t understand as I am the Jira administrator :sweat_smile:

Turns out that when I included InsightConnect as trial basis in my platform, all the issues I encounter above vanished and I have the automation working.

So in essence, for InsightIDR-Jira Ticketing, it does require an InsightConnect license for it work and it isnt free at all. Am I right on this or I missed something?

Best Regards,

Hi from the thread you never got a response from R7 about this did you ever hear anything back privately from them. I have the same issue here.

Unfortunately we didn’t pursue more on this due to time constraints.
Based off the previous test we did, the feature for the Jira portion doesn’t work unless you also have the ICON.

I don’t know if there were changes to it since then.

Thanks very much for your reply I get the feeling that they want the license for Insight connect…

Hello @nowel and @alee1!

First off, apologies for missing this and not responding sooner. This is unexpected behavior and we are testing it out on our end.

In the mean time, have either of you created a support case for this? If not, could you please create one so we can reach out directly?


Just to follow up again, we are unable to reproduce this internally at this time. I will recommend again opening a support ticket for this so that we can investigate further.

Good Morning I have raised a case for this 03536554

For anyone coming to this thread in the future - if you have InsightIDR and NOT InsightConnect, you likely have an outdated Jira plugin that only works with basic authentication.

I created a ticket with Rapid7 and they had to initiate a free trial of InsightConnect in my instance to get the updated version of the Jira plugin.