InsightConnect Plugin & Workflow Newsletter - June 06, 2022


:mailbox_with_mail: Updates :mailbox_with_mail:

Name Version Details
Rapid7 Insight Agent 1.0.4 Add new supported regions for API
Palo Alto MineMeld 1.0.1 Improve error messaging
Dynamo DB 3.0.0 Create separate class for communication with AWS
Recorded Future 6.0.0 Handle 404 Not Found Error
Microsoft SCCM 2.1.0 Update plugin SDK to 4
VirusTotal 9.0.1 Fix issue with LookUp Hashes action
CrowdStrike Falcon 3.1.1 Return success response when 409 status code in device_actions


:mailbox_with_mail: Updates :mailbox_with_mail: