InsightConnect Plugin & Workflow Newsletter - December 07, 2020


:mailbox_with_mail: Updates :mailbox_with_mail:

Name Version Details
Okta 3.5.1 Update to add additional logging to Monitor User Groups trigger
Zendesk 2.0.1 Change custom output type group_id from integer to string
HTTP Requests 3.0.5 Fix issue where a null body return on a successful request would crash the plugin
Gmail 6.0.4 Update to add additional logging to email received trigger


:tada: New Releases :tada:

:mailbox_with_mail: Updates :mailbox_with_mail:

Name Version Details
Send Remediated Vulnerabilities Message in Microsoft Teams from InsightVM 2.0.0 Added restriction to only post when remediated vulnerability CVSS score is greater than 4
Manage Watched Domains with Darktrace from Microsoft Teams 1.0.1 Update Darktrace plugin
Manage Watched Domains with Darktrace from Slack 1.0.1 Update Darktrace plugin
Lookup Top Remediations with InsightVM from Microsoft Teams 1.0.3 Updated screenshots, documentation, and plugins to the latest version
Disable User in Azure AD from Microsoft Teams 1.1.0 Add Enable User functionality
Disable User in Azure AD from Slack 1.1.0 Add Enable User functionality
Find and Delete Emails in Office 365 from Slack 1.0.6 Updated trigger syntax and documentation
Create Solution-Based Tickets with Jira from InsightVM 1.0.4 Update all plugins used by the workflow.
Spearphishing Remediation with Office 365 1.0.2 Updated plugin versions and documentation
Malicious Hash Remediation with Cb Response 1.0.2 Updated documentation and plugin versions