Insight VM Report (while generating report how we can get detecting vulnerabilities less than 10 days)

I want to generate reports with vulnerability age less than 10 days in insight VM, Kindly suggest any specific process.

You could use a data export report with a custom SQL query, depending on what other data you’re looking for. The last line of the query below allows you to adjust for vulnerability age.

SELECT favf.vulnerability_id, favf.asset_id, da.ip_address, da.host_name, fava.first_discovered, fava.age_in_days
FROM fact_asset_vulnerability_finding favf
JOIN dim_asset da ON favf.asset_id = da.asset_id
JOIN dim_vulnerability dv ON favf.vulnerability_id = dv.vulnerability_id
JOIN fact_asset_vulnerability_age fava ON favf.vulnerability_id = fava.vulnerability_id
WHERE fava.age_in_days < 10

Thanks Holly I will work and we have duplicate signatures in Rapid7 is it anyway find duplicate signatures in Rapid7.

Thanks for your help .

Could you elaborate a little more on what you mean with duplicate signatures?