How to remote uninstall insight agent

Has anyone figured out how to remote uninstall the agent from a Windows machine? The instructions in the docs only provide how to uninstall from the Start menu.

If you don’t have any other applications for remote management then you could fall back to PowerShell.

The article linked above walks through the process so as long as you have permissions to do so you should be good to go.


As far as uninstalling remotely from our Interface, this isn’t something we can do. However if you have a scenario where you have a remote endpoint (like someone desktop) for a contract worker or something that you no longer have access to the endpoint in question you can always grab the agent id from the agent management page and put in a support ticket to have it no longer report to your platform.


We have had success with putting the following in a batch file so we can run it using our asset management tool on remote endpoints.

wmic product where “description=‘Rapid7 Insight Agent’” uninstall


Thank you, this is exactly what I needed. It would be a great future feature if we could permanently remove it from our platform from the dashboard, even if we can’t uninstall it. But this is a good work around in the mean time.


Trust me, this is a frequent request. There are some issues as to why this isn’t available for customers yet. It’s something that were trying to smooth out though with the intention of one day giving customers the ability to do this themselves.

Sometimes I go directly for the hammer "wmic /node:ComputeName product where “name like ‘Rapid7’” call uninstall

I purposely leave off the /nointeractive switch for any potential prompts.