How to create a CSV file to pass to a JIRA issue

Part of my workflow is to find all the assets affected by a given vulnerability and then create a JIRA issue with the vulnerability as the subject and the list of assets in the description of the JIRA issue. This is working good if it is less than 10-15 assets.
What I would like to do is create a file (csv file) that has these assets and attache this to the JIRA issue during the creation phase

I am looking for a solution to this. Other than using Insight Connect, I would prefer if it was part of the integration. or at least a variable called ‘proof’

One can create a report in the “old console” aka nexpose… here are couple of sample queries:
This one gives you the information for a given vulnerability
SELECT da.host_name AS Host, favf.vulnerability_instances AS Instances, proofAsText(favi.proof) AS Finding
FROM fact_asset_vulnerability_finding favf
JOIN dim_vulnerability dv USING (vulnerability_id)
JOIN dim_asset da USING (asset_id)
JOIN fact_asset_vulnerability_instance favi USING (asset_id)
WHERE nexpose_id like ‘apple-osx-applemobilefileintegrity-cve-2023-23499’

This one gives you the vulnerabilities per host

SELECT da.host_name AS Host, dv.title AS Vulnerability ,proofAsText(favi.proof) AS Finding
FROM dim_asset da
JOIN fact_Asset_vulnerability_instance favi USING (asset_id)
JOIN dim_vulnerability dv USING (vulnerability_id)
WHERE da.host_name LIKE ‘HostName%’

The report will be a CSV that you can email or manually attach to a JIRA issue…