How to bulk remove assets from IVM

Hi there, we have numerous old assets that we would like to remove from IVM. The individual removal does work, but we are looking at a few hundred to remove. Is there a way to bulk remove these devices?

In most cases you’re probably looking for data retention settings which should automatically delete stale assets after a specified amount of time. Database Backup, Restore, and Data Retention | InsightVM Documentation

Otherwise for more ad-hoc deletion of assets the best thing to do would be create an asset group or something to that nature using the last scan date or any other criteria you have and then utilize the API to delete the assets by the asset_id.

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I usually use the last scan data as the field to dynmatically populate a group (last scan +30 etc) and from a group you can bulk remove the assets.

This is my last scan 30-60 day group settings.