Exceptions via API - 406's

So im fairly new to working with the API and Postman, so lets get that out of the way first :wink:

Im trying to do some testing of pushing exceptions in via the API ( as we have hundreds we want to exclude (dont ask) and im not doing that manually!

But im getting 406’s. Ive checked the headers as referenced in a couple of other posts and they seem ok to me.

Can anybody spot anything obvious in this that could be worng or should I be looking elsewhere ( in postman for example)

curl --location --request POST 'https://insightvm:3780/api/3/vulnerability_exceptions' \

--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

--header 'Accept: application/json' \

--header 'Authorization: Basic aWFtQVBJOkZHUUNqTzcjM2pRbTFqZ3RaMWpnTw==' \

--header 'Cookie: nexposeCCSessionID=1FDA80410870D907BF87F9337DF67FF9D92884DC' \

--data-raw '       {

       "expires": "2021-09-03T012:00:00.000Z",

            "review": {

                "comment": "Auto approved by submitter.",

                "date": "2020-09-01T13:35:34.124Z",


            "scope": {              

                "type": "Global",

                "vulnerability": "msft-cve-2017-0107"


            "state": "approved",

            "submit": {

                "reason": "Other",



Your headers look to be correct and that is usually the issue, I was looking though old posts and someone said upgrading Postman fixed this for them.


oooh interesting…woth a try. thanks for looking

Well thats 2 days of my life I wont get back. :laughing:

Updated ( it was only a minor version or so out of date)
Still not working , but the 406’s are gone now and been replaced with 400’s…so that’s a definite step in the right direction !

    "status": 400,
    "message": "Request body is missing from the request. A request body is required for this resource.",
    "links": [
            "href": "https://insightvm:3780/api/3/vulnerability_exceptions",
            "rel": "self"

Wow…it’s working!

You Sir, are a scholar and a Gentleman. Thank you.


thank you, but credit goes to @nate.whistler_nate.whistler for discovering this


For anyone still experiencing this, the issue is that the request contains the “nexposeCCSessionID” cookie.

When making an API call, the only authentication needed is the “Authorization” header, if at some point the IVM server returns that session ID cookie, then any requests you send with it will error with HTTP 406 “Not Acceptable”.

Delete the nexposeCCSessionID cookie from your request to fix this. Or as the other commenters mention, completely reinstall/update whichever software you were using, which should also have the effect of clearing the cookie

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