Dropdown Menu removed on assets

Did R7 Devs think it is a good idea to remove the dropdown for searching after services, software etc? Where now only Vulns are shown, there also was the dropdown menu for Exploits Malware, Software, Services, Users etc. Now it is removed. Searching for every asset is not that great…

Does somebody else miss this feature?


Can you clarify which page this is please?

Hi, of course.

If you open an asset below the Risk Over time Line.
All the time there was a box in the left corner, where you could get the asset information, like service etc.
Now it is gone and only the vulnerabilitys are left.


This box

Screenshot 2024-05-16 082625

Now it is gone …

Thank you very much for the clarification. I am a Product Manager for InsightVM so I will look in to why this has disappeared. I understand you have a support case also, so I will follow up with your assigned engineer.

I have identified the issue. This was not meant to be removed and we are investigating the root cause. Your support case owner will be updated of the progress.

@sarah_byrne we having same issue too, do individual need to open separate case for this issue?

No need to add a support case - this has now been fixed :slight_smile: let me know if you have any issues.