Does TheHive plugin supports URL syntax?

I am trying to setup a connection from Insight Connect Orchestrator to TheHive and cannot find a setting to specify TheHive API full URL. Our Hive instance is hosted in the cloud and API is not located at the root of host/domain.

Instead of I would like to specify API URL as following

Host parameter doesnt accept URL or relative API location.

  "api_key": "9de5069c5afe602b2ea0a04b66beb2c0",
  "credentials": {},
  "host": "",
  "port": 9000,
  "protocol": "http",
  "proxy": {},
  "verify": true

the answer is URL-relative syntax not supported, as can be seen here as well:

Input for port number is not validated that it is actually a digit, so if you specify as port number the follwowing 443/subsite/relative_url/thehive
The python code f"{protocol}://{host}:{port}" will append to whatever was in port to create correct URL. With this trick TheHive plugin works, but obviously Rapid7 need to fix it.

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