Custom SQL for security metrics

I would like to use this sample SQL query with a few slight modifications: SQL example - new and remediated vulnerabilities | Nexpose Documentation

For this to be useful to me I need to be able to identify the asset owner by inlcuding the ‘OWNER’ tag and SITE. How would I include these fields?

Also, I don’t understand the current ‘datetime’ field format xx:xx.x (ex: 10:16.2) How do I convert these or use them to calculate a duration time (to mitigate the vulnerability)?

Thank you.

Hi Chad,

I use this code in some of our reports for the tags -

custom_tags AS (
SELECT asset_id, CSV(tag_name ORDER BY tag_name) AS custom_tags
FROM dim_tag
JOIN dim_tag_asset USING (tag_id)
WHERE tag_type = ‘CUSTOM’
GROUP BY asset_id
location_tags AS (
SELECT asset_id, CSV(tag_name ORDER BY tag_name) AS location_tags
FROM dim_tag
JOIN dim_tag_asset USING (tag_id)
WHERE tag_type = ‘LOCATION’
GROUP BY asset_id
owner_tags AS (
SELECT asset_id, CSV(tag_name ORDER BY tag_name) AS owner_tags
FROM dim_tag
JOIN dim_tag_asset USING (tag_id)
WHERE tag_type = ‘OWNER’
GROUP BY asset_id

We don’t look at time taken to remediate in our MI reporting, what we look at is age of vulnerabilities by using this -

WHEN fava.age_in_days <= ‘14’ THEN ‘1-14 days’
WHEN fava.age_in_days <= ‘29’ THEN ‘15-29 days’
WHEN fava.age_in_days <= ‘59’ THEN ‘30-59 days’
WHEN fava.age_in_days <= ‘89’ THEN ‘60-89 days’
WHEN fava.age_in_days <= ‘120’ THEN ‘90-120 days’
WHEN fava.age_in_days <= ‘150’ THEN ‘121-150 days’
WHEN fava.age_in_days <= ‘180’ THEN ‘151-180 days’
ELSE ‘180+ days’
END AS “Age”,

Right JOIN fact_asset_vulnerability_age AS fava ON fava.asset_id = da.asset_id AND fava.vulnerability_id = fav.vulnerability_id

Hope that helps.

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Thanks Bruce. I will certainly use that part for the tags and I have another report that works for the age.

I’m wondering if anyone can explain the time component. It seems like the data is there but we need the duration to calculate the Mean Time To Mitigate (MTTM) which is a CIS-recommended metric that we are trying to implement.