Custom SCAP File for Configuration Audit Check

Before moving to Rapid7 InsightVM, we heavily relied on custom audit files for configuration audit checks with For example, we would have the audit file run PowerShell cmdlets to check for required security software, services, and file contents.
Now that we are on Rapid7 InsightVM, I am not finding a policy scan SCAP file reference guide of sorts, or examples of SCAP files to do these configuration checks.
Is there any guidance available on how to build these SCAP files from scratch for policy scans?

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This site is not helpful and there is a clear lack of customer support and community here. Most of my posts here appear to go on deaf ears… :frowning:

This is the discussion community, not customer support. CS does view the posts from time to time but it’s mostly accessed by users like myself.

Where else can I vent?! LOL
Support cases, Ideas cases, etc…
Power in numbers hopefully when more and more customers agree on the same issue or feature request discussion.