Authentication issue on Cisco Nexus Switches

Hi everyone,

I am trying to do an authenticated scan on Cisco Nexus switches. When I test creds individually using the test creds feature in the manage credentials page, authentication is fine. However, when I run a discovery scan with those same creds and the same scan engines, authentication fails. This is not an issue in non-nexus assets. Anyone seen this issue or have any pointers?

Many thanks

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Update: it seems that nexus devices don’t have privilegedexec mode. (how are things configured then?)
when i scanned without elevation auth was successful. So while insightvm was reporting auth failed, it was the elevation to privileged exec that failed. initial login was successful.

Question now is - how can i set the site to use the no-elevation-creds while other creds are also configured for that site?

create diferent users and pwd, as you wont be able to specify assets for each user. Them try to manage for type each dif. usr and pwd, that way you avoid false posive authentications but also lock the account