Assistance Cleaning Up an LEQL Query

Looking for some assistance on cleaning up a query. I have created a dashboard card in IDR with the following query, but it seems a bit messy. Is there a way to make this more concise? I want to exclude 4 ports and a handful of IP addresses (not a range) from the results.

where((“direction” = OUTBOUND) AND “destination_port” != xx AND “destination_port” != xx AND “destination_port” != xx AND “destination_port” != xx AND destination_address != xx.xx.xx.xx AND destination_address != xx.xx.xx.xx AND destination_address != xx.xx.xx.xx AND destination_address != xx.xx.xx.xx AND asset != “assetname”) groupby(asset, destination_port,destination_address) calculate(count)

Any help is appreciated!


You can use a Comparison Operator for this one: Components for Building a Query | InsightIDR Documentation

In this case, it looks like you may want to replace

“destination_port” != xx AND “destination_port” != yy AND “destination_port” != zz


destination_port NOT IN ["xx", "yy", "zz"]

The same can be done with the IP addresses, but I do want to call out that we also support CIDR notation, which may allow you to cut down on that section of the query even more.

Depending on your use case, you may want to explore using Log Search Variables (a relatively new feature): Use Variables in Queries | InsightIDR Documentation

Thank you! I forgot about variables. I set that up and it worked beautifully.

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