Assets API

@david_smith is it possible to query the state of the agent through this API (error / no error) ?
I’d like to get the list of agent with error status for monitoring purpose.

Can you also share the API documentation? Thanks!

Can you also send the documentation my way?

Same here, I’d love access to this to build custom reporting. Also, does any of this provide multi tenant access from a single API key?

@bobsledtedd @vco @thierry_bon @jason_mull forwarded you the documentation

@vco I’m not certain the agent errors have been exposed via graphql preview. I’ve requested more info from our developers to confirm


Hello @david_smith,
Please forward me the GraphQL API documentation.
Greatly appreciate it.

Hi @david_smith ,

Is the GraphQL API something that is still not GA? If not, is it possible to obtain the documentation as well?

Thank you!

@cconner.park it is not GA, we also do not intend to release it to GA, it will be superseded by a new API in the future. In the meantime, I’ve forwarded you the preview docs.


Thank you very much for the documents!

Hi @david_smith
Can you please forward me the API documentation.

Hi @david_smith,

Could you please forward me the GraphQL API documentation.
Thanks in advance!

Hi @david_smith, thanks for making this available. I would also like a copy.

Hi David,

Would it be possible for you to send the preview docs my way as well? This sounds like exactly what we’re looking for.

Thanks very much.

Hello @david_smith,
I’m also interested in this documentation if it’s possible to send it over ?
Many thanks.

Hi @david_smith, I get a NOT_PLATFORM_ADMIN error. It might be because I have (insightidr) admin rights assigned as a role. Would that explain the error?

I would also be very interested in the graphql api documentation. Can you send it to me?

Thanks in advace,

Where are you getting that error exactly?

And yes I’ll forward the docs


Sorry, I should have mentioned that. I’ve tried with Postman and Altair. I now have the ‘real’ platform admin rights and everything works fine now and queries are generating results. Thanks for the docs, it helped!

@david_smith: I’m interested in the documentation as well. Could you please provide me with that? :slight_smile:

Kind of late to the party, but may I also have the documentation please? @david_smith

@david_smith: I’m interested in the documentation as well. Could you please provide me with that? Thank you

Sent to all of the above :slight_smile:

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