Removal of Rapid7 Agent from Laptops/Desktops Automatically


I need help with a script of removing Rapid7/Nepose/InsightVM Agent from more than 3K computers. I am having a hard time finding anything or getting a script to work on removing Rapid7 from laptops/Desktop computers automatically. I was wondering if there was a script that Rapid7 has or someone has created to do this process.

This is what I am currently using. It worked on mine computer via Microsoft Intune, however I am not getting any failed attempts and I am running it as a powershell script, and when I do spot checks on a set of computer, it states that it was successful, however when I check that computer, it is showing that it is still installed and the directory folder is still on the computer under C:/Program Files/Rapid7. Any help would be great.


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Here is a script that I use:
(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where {$_.Vendor -like “Rapid7”}).Uninstall()

It will also remove the Scan Assistant if you use that and any multiple copies of the software.

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