InsightAppSec Site authentication failure

Dear Support Team,

We used a trial for Rapid7 DAST InsightAppSec to test and buy the tool if it works with us .We configure our scan for webapp with site automated authentication type and verify the login and it was successful.However when we start the scan the authentication login and logout many times as shown in this figure.We downloaded the logs for more investigations but no luck .Any advise?

We appreciate if you can support us
Screenshot from 2024-05-30 15-20-11

We are experiencing the same issue, while using Automated Login.
It appears the auth credentials we are using is encrypted by InsightAppSec, which is causing the login to fail.

We verified this by testing the login in with the Verify Credentials plugin, which entered the encrypted credentials on the login form and failed.

The question to support is how do we leave the credentials as plaintext, or bypass this issue.