Duplicating Assets with Citrix/VDI environment

Any other customers out there run insight agents on citrix / vdi infrastructures?

I’m looking to see if anyone else who performs citrix updates to the golden image, promotes and pushes it out. I believe IVM is treating all the updated systems as new assets? Therefore bringing in more clutter, and stale data.

I think I remember the product team having some sort of asset linking - correlation for these types of environments ?


The last I knew, if you’re using non-persistent VDIs, then it’s working as expected because each time those spin up it’s a new resource.
Persistent VDIs can be scanned and should maintain a single asset record because it should keep its unique identifiers.

We fought this battle for a long time and had to give up scanning non-persistent images. The solution was to scan the base/golden images and add a multiplier to an effect of how many VDIs could be spun up from that image.

Any update regarding how to manage agent deprovisioning on discarged Citrix non-persistent VDIs?

I have a lot of dead agents to exclude and prevent to have other, but I would keed IDR/IVM data from that user session :frowning:

Thanks for any idea


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Hi, is there some news on this?
This is causing us a lot of issues, since the additionally created entry increase our license count dramatically.
I would like them to use Windows UUID instead of the Agent ID to identfy new systems. Anyone have a solution/workaround?



If you contact support, i think they can help you configure your console to not use the Agent ID or reduce the weight it carries for identifying assets.
I think there is a configuration file that you modify to make this happen. I haven’t done it so I don’t have any additional information, sorry.

Hi Ralph,
sorry for replying late.

Thanks for the tip regarding this issue. Do you remember the details how that could be applied?
I already asked the support and am waiting for a response.



It worked for us on no persistence VDA. But since Insight Agent V4 released in November, we also have trouble with duplicated assets in insightVM with each daily reboot

Any solutions?

Hi Andreas,
after discussing the issue with the support we received a command which is wihtin the Security Console. it deactivates the newly used algorithm of the agents and revert back to previous one.
In the SecConsole GUI it seems to have helpen, but in IDR we still see too much installed agents.

I recommend you to inform the R7 support and ask for help there.

Best regards

I discussed a lot with support, no way to resolve. I’m deleting manually from the security console. Is it possible to schedule a task to do the same operation?