This sql in Need of asset group as title named "Department Name"

I have this sql going to some important people and in the csv i have titles of columns with the following:

DIvision, ITCS or Dept, Host Name, IP Address, Vulnerabilities #, Asset owner (owner tags)

I need one that grabs the asset group title in which it came from and titles the next column Department Name so the person knows what department the ip is located.

My asset groups are set up with specific department names for example asset group “nursing department” thats what i need under department name so the person knows where that ip is located or which department…

WITH asset_count AS (
SELECT DISTINCT fava.asset_id, COUNT (*) AS asset_count

FROM fact_asset_vulnerability_age fava
	JOIN dim_vulnerability dv USING (vulnerability_id)

WHERE dv.cvss_v2_score >= 8 AND fava.age_in_days > 60
GROUP BY fava.asset_id

owner_tags AS (
	SELECT asset_id, CSV(tag_name ORDER BY tag_name) AS owner_tags  
	FROM dim_tag  
		 JOIN dim_tag_asset USING (tag_id)  
	WHERE tag_type = 'OWNER' 
	GROUP BY asset_id  


custom_tags AS (
SELECT asset_id, CSV(tag_name ORDER BY tag_name) AS custom_tags

	FROM dim_tag  
		JOIN dim_tag_asset USING (tag_id)  
	WHERE tag_type = 'CUSTOM'  
	GROUP BY asset_id

WHEN ct.custom_tags LIKE ‘%ITCS%’ THEN ‘ITCS’
END AS “ITCS or Dept”,
da.host_name AS “Host Name”,
da.ip_address AS “IP Address”,
ac.asset_count AS “Vulnerabilities”,
ot.owner_tags AS “Asset Owner”

FROM asset_count ac
LEFT JOIN dim_asset da USING (asset_id)
LEFT JOIN owner_tags ot USING (asset_id)
LEFT JOIN custom_tags ct USING (asset_id)

WHERE ot.owner_tags NOT LIKE ‘%jane doe%’
AND ot.owner_tags NOT LIKE ‘%Johnny smith%’
AND ot.owner_tags NOT LIKE ‘%Jill smith%’

ORDER BY ac.asset_count DESC

this sql captures the high critical vulnerabilities with cvss of 8 and higher only no other ones by count…

There are tables for dim_asset_group and dim_asset_group_asset that would work here. I added a couple joins on those to your query:

LEFT JOIN dim_asset_group_asset daga USING(asset_id)
LEFT JOIN dim_asset_group dag USING(asset_group_id)

Then added a select for the asset group name alongside the other selects: AS "Department Name"

That seems like it should grab what you’re looking for.