Single Vulnerability Report

Trying to use the report example from SQL example - report on a single vulnerability | Nexpose Documentation

The output is blank. Does anyone more versed in the schema know if there was a change that perhaps broke this documented example?

Getting closer. The issue now is the vulnerability title shows up for every port and not just the ports that the vulnerability instance exists on…

SELECT da.ip_address					AS "Asset IP Address",
       da.host_name						AS "Asset Names",
	   dos.description					AS "Asset OS Name",
	   dv.title							AS "Vulnerability Title",
	   das.port							AS "Service Port"
FROM fact_asset fa
	JOIN dim_asset da ON fa.asset_id = da.asset_id
	JOIN dim_operating_system dos ON da.operating_system_id = dos.operating_system_id
	JOIN fact_asset_vulnerability_instance favi ON da.asset_id = favi.asset_id
	JOIN dim_vulnerability dv ON favi.vulnerability_id = dv.vulnerability_id
	JOIN dim_asset_service das ON favi.service_id = das.service_id

WHERE dv.nexpose_id = 'ssl-self-signed-certificate' 

Got it.

SELECT da.ip_address AS "Asset IP Address",
       da.host_name AS "Asset Names",
	   dos.description AS "Asset OS Name",
	   dv.title AS "Vulnerability Title",
	   favi.port AS "Service Port",
	   htmltotext(favi.proof) AS "Vulnerability Proof",
	   htmltotext(dv.description) AS "Vulnerability Description"
FROM fact_asset fa
	JOIN dim_asset da ON fa.asset_id = da.asset_id
	JOIN dim_operating_system dos ON da.operating_system_id = dos.operating_system_id
	JOIN fact_asset_vulnerability_instance favi ON da.asset_id = favi.asset_id
	JOIN dim_vulnerability dv ON favi.vulnerability_id = dv.vulnerability_id

WHERE dv.nexpose_id = 'ssl-self-signed-certificate'
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