This is not a feature of the tool and indeed a gap that we see in larger organizations.
On a host level, you can tag assets (e.g. owners). The challenge is that on a vulnerability level, it is not document specifically whether this is infra/db/webstack etc. This mapping needs to be done manually, in line with how your organization internally divides it stack in the teams. This will be different for each organisation.
You could use the list of vulnerability categories (https://host:3780/vulnerability/categories.jsp, sorted by # vulns) to group/tag assets based on stack e.g.
- platform: Ubuntu Linux, rhel, Windows.
- middleware: Apache, HTTP, IIS
but these are very general. These tags could be used to apply as filter on your Insight Dashboard, prior to creating the remediation projects. This is surely complex as you would also need to monitor anything that is not tagged, and you have no way to granularly assign a vuln to a specific category.
Just giving some ideas as there is imo no other way to handle this.