Export Site Configuration Settings

Our organization has 21 sites, each with it’s own include and exclude list of IP ranges for scans. Is there a way to export these included/excluded IP ranges preferably as a .csv? I noticed in InsightVM under each site there’s an option to export the asset list as a .csv, but I really just want the Site Configuration settings for each site, and the IP ranges that have been configured. They were originally entered manually, not imported from a file, but we’re working on a process to better automate maintaining the list of IPs ranges we’re including and excluding in our scans.

Look at these APIs InsightVM API (v3)

Also, from what I’ve been told, you really should reduce that to just a few sites for performance reson.
I break my sites up by the credentials they use to avoid unnecessary authentication attempts, then each site has a scan for each scan engine pool to account for different engines for different access needs.

Hmm, I wasn’t aware of a site limit, but I’m fairly new to this and our organization config was setup before my time. I suppose we could look into changing it but that would be a pretty large undertaking at this point.

Thanks for the API suggestion I’ll look into it.

It took me about a year to redesign our system recently after this was discovered during a health check.
Each site takes up quite a bit of RAM, so they should be limited.
Asset Groups should be used where to need to assign things to or filter Site/Scan Schedule membership.
Tag filters are the best way to populate enrichment data, then filtering on these Tags, just like you are doing with Tagging your location then having a Asset Group look for those Tags. I originally had a Static Asset Group to do the Tagging and I was told this is doubling the effort and from ICON it is easier to dynamically Tag vs update Group Membership.

Take a look at this thread. Also, ask your rep about a health check.