[API] [CURL] get agent in Data Collection Management

@david_smith : I’m getting 404 error for few days.
Could my access be revoked ?

You should validate your API key is correct, best bet would be to generate a new key. What query are you making?

Hi @david_smith,
Nothing changed on my side, situation is weird :

Connection settings in use:
url = “https://us.api.insight.rapid7.com/graphql/”
“Accept-Version” , “kratos”
“query”,"“query($orgId: String!) {organization(id: $orgId) {assets(first: 10000) {edges {node {agent {id agentSemanticVersion agentStatus agentLastUpdateTime timestamp } host{ hostNames{ name}}}cursor}}}}”

@thierry_bon this should be working once more, this was due to a change on our end which has since been reverted

Indeed, connexion is successful since last Saturday… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: